As part of the celebrations for the 20th anniversary of Impala, the umbrella organization for independent music companies in Europe has started a podcast series, among other things, which is intended to provide insights into the achievements, but also into the worries and hardships of indies.

This month’s episode focuses on CEO of AIM Ireland Gill Dooley. Gill talks about setting up the Irish association of independents and joining IMPALA’s European network. She talks about her career, how AIM Ireland got started and where it’s heading, the value a national association of independents needs to offer to members. Gill also touches upon the specificities of the Irish music market and how it was affected by Brexit, including its prolific live sector and the consequences for touring. As usual, discover what’s on her playlist.
Find out more about the people who drive the sector with this monthly podcast and the work that goes on behind the scenes.20MinutesWith is a series of bite-sized and informative episodes, curated and hosted in London by Juliana Koranteng business journalist focusing on the international media and entertainment businesses. Editing and production is done in Brussels by Romuald Dagry. 

In the time it takes you to to back up your computer or take your dog for a walk, get a closer look at what moves those who shape the landscape of independent music in Europe today. The podcast series is available on SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle Podcast and Deezer.