Review by Gillian McGee

Following up a perfect debut album (Dreamcatcher)  was always going to be a challenge but Cork based artist Jack O’Rouke’s recently released EP ‘ Ivory Towers’ is every bit a match in the perfection stakes.  He can write ‘em play ‘em and sing ‘em – it’s like getting into a gorgeous bubble of escapism once you slip those headphones on.

Opening and closing with the title track ‘Ivory Towers’ a song of positivity joy and love, Jack shows his diverstiy by adding two versions of this song on either end of this EP. Both stand strong,  one a tour de force pop hip shaker radio friendly production, the other a gorgeous stripped back piano version, full spotlight on lycrics – both equally beautiful.

‘Showmanship’ throws you back to an Abbaesque  70s number with a slighly dark undertone and especially here you can see how the John Grant comparisons ring true  – which is a very good thing.

‘Moody Broody’ is a real dance number full of warmth and beautful visual lyrics – feels like a big hug. Songs like ‘Myth’ and ’Snowglobe’ continue the dreamy soaring quality of this EP – mixing beats, harmonies, storytelling all underpinned by the rich complexity of Jack O’Rourke’s  chocolate voice.

‘Ivory Towers’ as an EP has a real sound to it – the songs are tied together by themes of love, hope and stories. ‘Never been a better me, never been a better you’ sings O’Rourke  – that’s some anthem to put out there and a definite truth when it comes to this man’s talent – Do yourself a favour have a listen and escape to his Ivory Tower for a while with the wonderful Jack O’Rourke.

Gillian McGee is a singer and songwriter based in Cork. She performs with Twitch Junior follow them on FB @TwitchJnr