From isolation, a close knit music community has managed to come together in a uniquely creative way. The Bed Covers compilation features 7 bands from Limerick’s burgeoning music scene covering each other’s work. Bands were paired randomly with the song choice left to the artist performing the covers. Recorded remotely with what ever was at each musician’s disposal, with artwork from Aisling McCallion,

DIY LK is a Limerick city-based independent music collective formed in 2017. The main aim is to create and grow a DIY music community in Limerick based around young, local acts who are trying to push boundaries and find an audience.

Bed Covers was released April 13 and features contributions from Anna’s Anchor, Bleeding Heart Pigeons, Cruiser, Casavettes, His Father’s Voice, Hey Rusty and Scenes.

All moneys raised from this will go directly to Doras Luimní. Artwork by Aisling McCallion.

You can purchase Bed Covers on Bandcamp at