‘Driving My Life Away’ is the brand new single taken from the forthcoming album by The White Horse Guitar Club.

Sepia toned and earthy hued, ‘Driving My Life Away’ barrels forwards, rhythm and melody locked tightly with wide open road ahead. The song sets the tone for a group that style themselves as fireside gatherers and storytellers, happy in each others company and very happy sparking friendships with strangers. Their music captures the essence and rich history of roots, alt-country and folk.

Formed in 2012, The White Horse Guitar Club are eleven like-minded musicians, who came together for the simple love of playing music. The group began their musical journey upstairs in the well-known music venue The White Horse in Cork, playing dimly lit pubs and snugs in the city before being thrust into the bright lights of theatres and auditoriums, nationwide and beyond.

In a present day society where there is a sense of disconnect and isolation, The White Horse Guitar Club reminds us through their songs, story telling and gatherings of the shared experience and ultimately inclusivity that music brings.

Live Dates:

Friday 4th October – Tech Amergin, Waterville, Kerry (with David Syme)
Saturday 5th October – Cyrpus Avenue, Cork
Sunday 13th October – Ahabeg Vista Concert Series, Castletownbere, Co. Cork (with David Syme)
Friday 29th November – DC Music Club, Dublin

Friday 6th December – Central Arts, Waterford